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Why I Started Doing Photography

April 8, 2022

I first became interested in photography when I was 19 years old.

Actually, that’s not completely accurate. I remember always having a disposal camera (or two!) ready and available to take photos of my friends, family, pets, nature, whatever. Of course, back then we had to take our film to a store to have it developed, while we waited an agonizing day or two to get the photos back. Yes, I am really dating myself here.

Now, let me reword my previous statement: I first became interested in digital photography when I was 19. I was attending a community college in the Springfield, MO and I was studying graphic design. I had to choose a couple of electives. One of the electives I chose was digital photography. Once I started that class, I was hooked!

I got my first digital camera: a point and shoot and primarily started out photographing nature and really just exploring the world through a camera lens. Later, I had a couple friends ask me to take their engagement photos and I instantly realized that this was my passion. I loved taking photos of people and capturing the emotion and the story of the people in front of my camera.

Since then, I’ve upgraded my camera a couple times, taken many education courses to learn the ins and outs of photography as well as my camera, learned how to shoot in manual mode, and so much more! There is always something that can be learned about photography, and continuing my education in that is vital to me so that I can provide high quality photos to my clients.

Still, while gaining knowledge and learning is so important, perhaps my favorite part about taking photos of people is the relationships that I form with my clients. I love being able to have returning clients each year and see how their family has grown and even being there for them during difficult times. What started out as a hobby has turned into a desire and passion to serve others and give them beautiful photos to hang on the walls of their home for years to come. To have your children look back on photos of their grandparents and say “Awww! Papaw still looks at Grandma like that!” I absolutely love it when I have clients who express how much they love their photos, but I also love it when they talk about their experience. Because, again, I want to serve my clients and make sure they have a wonderful experience with me as their photographer.

Another reason I really wanted to turn this hobby into a business is so that I can help provide for my own family. I am a stay at home momma of two and I really just wanted to be able to contribute to the income and help out in that aspect, and I wanted to do something that I was passionate about and loved. Like any mother, I want to be able to take family vacations and create memories with my own little family and go on dates with my husband.

My daughter Raelynn
My son Rowan

I often think of the Proverbs 31 woman: she looked after the needs of her family and household and also went out and did real estate and made and sold her own clothes! She was and is certainly something to aspire to! My goal as a photographer and businesswoman is to ultimately bring glory to my Lord and to serve others well.

So, that’s my WHY and HOW I became a photographer! Nothing ground breaking or anything, but I want to use the gifts and talents God has given me to honor Him. And if you made it this far, thank you! I’ll keep sharing my heart and life, but I’ll try not to ramble on and on!

Have a blessed day!

Lindsay O Quinn

Thanks for Reading!

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  1. Sarah says:

    Love this so much!!

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