the journal 

Where I share my favorite sessions, inspiration, recipes, tips for your upcoming session, and more

 Welcome to

Goodbye Summer 2022

I know that today is the first day of fall, but thinking about that got me thinking about this summer. I felt like it went by so fast!! Just me? Anyone else?


The Murray Family

I had so much fun meeting this family and working with them! Their little girl was seriously the best baby! She smiled and was an absolute gem in front of the camera! I can’t wait to work with them again!


Why I Started Doing Photography

I first became interested in photography when I was 19 years old. Actually, that’s not completely accurate. I remember always having a disposal camera (or two!) ready and available to take photos of my friends, family, pets, nature, whatever. Of course, back then we had to take our film to a store to have it developed, while we waited an agonizing day or two to get the photos back. Yes, I am really dating myself here.
